Guess what? I'm done with PhD...well, almost done anyway. The viva went great...i passed the phd exercise with minor corrections. Done the corrections required, now i am just waiting for Dr Rokiah my supervisor to give the green light to get the thesis bounded. She'll only be free to check on the changes in early May. SHe told me that she's busy busy busy...well, fyi Dr Rok, me tooo...Hope that she doesn't forget to read it come May.
So, nothing interesting in my life at the moment. Same-o same-o....boring!!!. Just been marking test papers, exam papers, invigilating and such...of course eating out is never missed!! My dear friend Zahirah is coming over on Tuesday...we planned to go lunching @ The Curve. Cant wait....wanna introduce Zahirah to Paddington Pancake House...i'm sure she'll like the sweet treats my my, she really has a sweet tooth, that girl...
Oklah...gotta get on with my mothering duties.........tuck Farhan n Fahim into bed...make sure they have brushed their teeth, solat and drank water before going to bed...what a good mother i am heh...
so, till then....ciao babes