know what? I have been blog walking during my free time....hahahaha.....I know, I know.....there are other more important things for me to do ey?!!! (like...doing some reading for my not in the mood for that at the moment). Anyway, during my 'walks' thru people's suddenly dawned on me that I do not have any followers for my blog, unlike the blogs that I read.....they have so many followers!! Isn't that sad? I am pathetic!!......How can I make my blog more interesting eh? I am not like those whose blogs I've been reading....they are good cooks, good photographers too who put up photos and recipes of their food on their blogs that make my mouth water everytime, just looking at the scrumptious delicacies they prepared .... and....I am not one of those people who always have fun things to do and get to tell people about it!! ......
Sad, right? It is the greatest mystery to me.....hahahaha....but then again, here's an evidence of me and my poor cooking skills, which may explain why I do not have blog followers....he he he

Excuse my finger, what say you? Do these look like pizzas to you? Baked them tonight....actually, only the sauce was made from scratch....sausages were boiled first, then cut up into tiny pieces and scattered onto the pizza sauce. The pizza base? Bought ready made from Jusco. Then I sprinkled mozarella cheese on the pizzas like there's no tomorrow....(my kids are such cheese lovers!). Put them in the oven for 20 minutes....and then lo and behold, they were .... burnt!!!!.....However, just the outer layer of the cheese was.....inside, it was still runny gooey...and the taste was ok...The crust? (more like a biscuit to me....ha ha ha), although they were hardened due to the temperature....inside, they were still bread-like. Verdict? Fail!!!!.....Must try again next time until it is perfect.
Anyway, the motive for writing this entry is just to express my wonder why I don't have any blog followers, that's all.....for those who are reading (albeit, silently...) my blog....if there is any out're more than welcomed to follow me :)