First and foremost, I'd like to wish everyone "selamat hari raya aidil-adha"!!!'s already a day after eid, but better late than never wish at all, huh?! Nothing much to tell, really. The raya celebration this time was a quiet and a small scale affair as I was the only one among all my siblings to have gone home to Ipoh to celebrate with the parents. Me and the kids stayed there for only one night though, as Sarah had to go back to her boarding school on Monday. So, we headed back to Shah Alam on the evening of first day Raya (Sunday) .... a good thing too as the traffic on the road was very smooth, unlike on Saturday. I guess everyone else was still in their respective hometowns and would only head back to the city on Monday.
Mom and Dad were super-duper busy. Mom woke up at 4 am Sunday morning to prepare the dish she planned to bring to the surau, to serve those who were tasked to perform the korban. Dad told me that the surau this time would slaughter 3 cows, and Dad took one share of the korban, this year. So, while the men were busy performing the korban, the women were busy in their homes, preparing dishes to bring to the surau at 11 am for the potluck cum raya celebration for the Taman Golf muslim community. Luckily I have a maid now and my mom got her to help instead of me. Hehehehe....and so, I got my beauty sleep lah.
Bangun-bangun je, I saw all the food prepared by mom was ready. Salute lah my know, she cooked rendang ayam (to be eaten with lemang that my dad bought the previous night), masak tempoyak, dalca daging, and ayam goreng. So, you see....all I had to do that morning was just eat and eat and eat. But I did help her lah. I was assigned to transport all the dishes to the surau in my old faithful NazaRia. And mind you....the food was cooked in bigperiuks you know. I really felt like I was operating a food catering business pulak!
Anyway, my hubby all the way in Jubail called me up this morning to tell me that he has taken up two shares of the korban in Jubail. Since cows are not common in Saudi Arabia (seriously, I never did see cows roaming in the plains there.... only camels, goats, and sheep...I did not see any cow meat in sight pun during my trips to the wet market), the korban was made in the form of goats. So, my hubby bought two goats to be for Fahim, and another for Farhan. And he e-mailed this photos to me just now........well, enjoy the photos below....but let me warn you, they are not for the faint-hearted ya!.....
Yeah....enjoying the gruesome, bloody scene everyone? Urgghhhh....I am so glad I was not there to see that.
Another one?
And another one below showing the goat was being skinned
Hmmm....quite a big goat I must say. Perfect for the BBQ! Oohhhh....I am salivating already! Aisey, makes me wanna eat lamb kabsah lah pulak esok!
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