Hi guys! Another day, another update. This time, I wanna introduce to you guys to this restaurant that seems to be popular among the saudis. It's called Applebees. I believe that it is an American franchise. There's one in Fanateer (a suburb about15 minutes out of Jubail) and another one I saw in Al-Khobar, next to Ikea there. The setting looks interesting, but the food I must say does not quite satisfy my palate. Ate here once before on my previous visit and a second time on this visit. At both times, the food I found was quite bland and dry. But the Saudisand expats seem to love coming here....I guess for the ambiance and to savor Western dishes. Boring jugak kalau have to makan kabsah, shawarma, kebab, humus, tabouleh hari-hari kan!
Haha....kita continue sessi tengok gambar with this photo of my hubby. Gazing into the future, hmmm ...wondering what was on his mind tu... Alamak, he was wearing the same exact baju that he wore masa we went for lunch at the Indonesian restaurant I wrote about in the previous entry lah. Yeah, you guys guessed it right...he is very much into recycling...clothes that is! :) Takpe, jimat duit laundry kan sayang!

Now, look at the food that we ordered
My hubby ordered spare ribs and the plate u see nearest to u tu was mine! haaaa....percaya tak, I ordered 300 gms of rib-eye steak! Diet buang dalam longkang je lah! As I said, the food was not that good....my steak was supposed to be "medium well", but I must say it came a bit "well done". It was so different than the rib-eye steak my hubby ordered at Foodruckers the day before when we were in Al-Rashid Mall in Al-Khobar. It was so succulent....the fat was practically still dripping from the meat and....I tell you, it was the best steak I've ever tasted...sebab tu lah, i ordered the steak sebab teringat2 the one we had at Foodruckers. Sigh.... next time in Saudi, I'll definitely go have the steak at Foodruckers and not at Applebees lah. Sorry but I terforget to snap a photo of the steak we had at Foodruckers coz we were so famished and couldnt be bothered to take any photos there. Besides, there were many people there and the Saudis are a bit suspicious if they see people, especially foreigners taking photos...macamlah we all ni spies...
Anyway, let's cut to the chase. The lessons learnt from the dinner at Applebees:
1. Never order steak or ribs at Applebees
2. Reprimand the waiter(s) if they are a bit slow in fulfilling your request for napkins sebab nanti they'll be very apologetic and will sekejap2 datang and say how sorry they are and tanya if they can be of any service...hehehe....(this is a whole different story altogether, tanya my hubby!!)
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