Saturday, July 23, 2011

I am without a maid

I am now without a maid. Sedih kan? For one and a half month, that is. My maid (eh eh...dah balik, so, my ex-maid) Sum has gone back to Indonesia (Surabaya) last nite. Sedih tu ... not because I miss her but because I've to juggle everything now on my own. What with work, the kids and their tuition/swimming/music classes and school, Sarah and her dirty laundry, household chores, cooking etc ... hmmm...I dunno whether or not I can manage. I guess I can....makan je lah kat restoren and clean the house during the weekends. So, just need to get the laundry and ironing done everyday, that's all.

Today is the first day I am without the maid. Pagi2 after subuh tadi, I was terkebil2 back on the bed, thinking what a mom-without-a-help around the house would do. Oh yes.....a mom like that would not go back to bed but would terus turun ke dapur and get the breakfast ready. So, there I was, jumping out of bed again, went into Farhan's room to get him ready for school (since he happened to have his motivation seminar in school this morning...) and headed to the kitchen. Cooked french toast and made some tea.

Then, got the washing machine running with one load of laundry and then off I went to send Farhan to school. My daughter who's back from SSP for her overnight weekend, was still sleeping (what else kan....) as was Fahim. Tawakal je lah....praying that nothing untoward would happen as I was out sending Farhan.

Balik, terus swept and mopped the living room and kitchen. Then, hang the laundry to dry in the sun. By then, Fahim was already awake.....jerit2 nak makan coz hungry. Sarah was awake too and we had breakfast together. Then, I practically ran upstairs to tidy up the rooms upstairs, swept and mopped the floor upstairs too, sebab the time was already 10 am. You see, I had to go fetch Farhan back from school at 12. Then when those things are done....baru I realized that my pajama top was soaking with perspiration (oh yes.....of course lah I tak mandi lagi kan coz nanti busuk balik after buat all the housework). Hehehe.......kalau macam ni gayanya, I dont need to workout anymore, do I???

So, after showering, I turun pula ... back to the kitchen to cook our lunch. It was sambal tumis udang, sayur campur rencah hati ayam and ikan selar goreng today. Tepat 12 everything was ready except sayur tak sempat's ok, after balik from fetching Farhan, I can get that done...all the better to eat sayur panas2 kan!

After lunch, we had durian for neighbour kak rozi gave me two biji durians this morning. It was good I tell ya.....I just ate one ulas so that tak kempunan...coz I'd get sore throat if I eat durians (despite drinking water from the pangsa ... ikut petua orang2 tua)...the flesh was yellow and 'gebu' mak oiiii....Farhan ate the most! yes, durian is his favorite.

After solat....angkat kain and folded them straightaway.....and now I'm blogging away.....baru dapat rest at 3 pm tadi. Huiiiihhhh......very the tired!!! But I am glad.....even though I feel so tired, at least I get the satisfaction of doing things my way!!!! I even had a second helping of rice during lunch which was a rare thing indeed.....I guess I must have missed my own cooking hehehehe....

Anyway, found this cartoon on the internet...... Macam ni lah I.....hahaha...couldn't agree more with the caption that "A woman's work is never done"!!

Also, layan these pics I took at the airport last nite....oh, no...not of my ex-maid can tell that I'm not that fond of her kan? kan?...but of the kids at McD in LCCT... having supper, after sending Sum off.

Heheh....Sarah looked ceria indeed....why not? her no 1 enemy has gone back to Indonesia....yeehaaa!!! Fahim pulak, tak tau....apa pulak yg dia stare tu...

Haha....not a very good photo of Farhan, looks like he's still 'jongang' even though his buck teeth are almost 100% corrected...he was actually eating his GCB burger tu...

OK....signing off now....looking forward to tonight as we're having dinner and watching Harry Potter at Sunway Pyramid!! Yes, let's not think about the housework anymore until tomorrow!!

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