Hello everyone.....today's entry is posted from my hometown, Ipoh. Yes,...i am an "Ipoh mali girl one laaaaaa......". To be exact, my parents' house is in Taman Golf, dekat-dekat dengan Gua Sam Poh Tong....ala....tempat Buddhist people beribadat tu. The "gua" is famous for housing a large statue of Gautama Buddha in its caves and also for having a Mercedes Benz logo on top of one of its limestone hills....so, the logo is sort of a landmark for Ipoh...you know you've arrived in Ipoh once you see the logo on top the hill. However, sad to say that now the logo has been removed, maybe because it was not in good condition anymore.
Anyway.....it is always good to be home, you know....home sweet home.....even though I'm now living in Shah Alam, just a mere two hours away from Ipoh, I seldom come back home....too many activities during the weekend, that I just can't find the time to go back. It's only during Eid Mubarak that we siblings (the 4 of us) could get together at our dear old childhood home. So, you can imagine the house now is busy with a hive of activities....right now, at the eve of Eid, my mom, sis in law (Kak Jijah...hehehe...I have two you know, thanks to my brother who has two "cawangan"....hehee), and the two maids (Jinggo and Husna) are in the kitchen cooking ketupat, laksa johor, laksa penang, and rendang ayam. Telling this really makes me look bad kan....what am i doing blogging instead of helping them in the kitchen....well, my reason is plain simple....Too many cooks can spoil the broth!!.....muahahaha! My hubby is watching the telly, my daughter Sarah is what else??? still sleeping, the boys some of them just had their morning shower and some are reading the newspaper, my dad...as always is out (pergi pasar this time), my brother and his 2nd wife, baby and one son from the 1st wife are out in town somewhere too. My two millionairesisters??? ... in their bedroom, getting ready to go out too.
Have some pictures to upload. Will do it chronologically, starting from Saturday night in Shah Alam, just before we came home to Ipoh malam tu juga. We had our iftar at Windmill restaurant in Plaza Shah Alam....the food was delicious. So, i'll give it a two thumbs up.
waiting for the azan
Then, the next day (Sunday), my hubby wanted to cook for the whole family his specialty dish....Nasi Briyani Kambing ....embekkkkkk.....hehehe....he had cooked it once for me back in Saudi, and I tell ya....It was super delicious....Never thought that my hubby had it in him. So, the photos below show the before and after shots!
Haa...the 1st photo shows my hubby cutting up garlic and ginger to prepare the ingredients to marinate the mutton with. The second shot is of him...smiling happily coz his dish is cooked...hehe....notice now that he's in his baju pagoda....hahaha....macam mamak masak kat dapur restoren kan?? except that ni bukan mamak but cina mana ntah...heehee
The next photo is of my sis Elynn, who just got back from Cyberjaya at that time. She bought a baby baju kurung for Fatimah....my parents' newest cucu, my newest niece..So, we forced the baju on the baby sebab Elynn wanted to snap a photo and mms it to her boyfriend who apparently chose the baju.
Comel kan??? No, I meant the baby....hehehe
After iftar last night...like about 11 pm, we had a birthday celebration for Fahim (whose birthday was on 27th August) and Rahman, Ammar (my brother's sons whose birthday was about a month or two ago) and my sister Akmar (whose birthday was on 30th July)....senang, all lumped together.....Just a cake-cutting and makan session. So, layan the photos below.
The cake...our family's favourite....Secret Recipe's Chocolate Mud Cake...hahaha...penuh cake dengan the names
See Fahim's face? Smiling.....really made my day. He was not himself these past few days....been sick. Fever. Am glad that he's back to his old self today....chattering non-stop, terlompat2 here and there...my cheeky little monkey!
Ok....that's all for now....til we meet again the next entry, which will most likely be about Raya! woohoo!
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