Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ops Photo Aidilfitri

First day Raya this year was wonderful. Eating from day to night and visiting "long time no see" relatives. We also had a special activity this year i.e. photo taking session at a photo studio in Gunung Rapat, close to our housing area. If you ever visit my parents' house or mine in Shah Alam, you may notice that our walls are adorned with many Raya photos of the whole family comprising my parents, the siblings and spouses and the children. So, you can actually trace each person's progress age - wise and body size - wise ....hehehe.... over the years. It's very easy to see that each one of us siblings have grown "bigger" (read that as "wider" ye...) and the children grown taller.

We had not taken such photos for quite some time though. Reason? Well, after some time, there's no more thrill in getting our pictures taken because it has always been the same people, the same poses (semua pose macam tengah nyanyi "Negaraku" aje, in every single photo). However, this year my sis Akmar insisted that we get it taken again because we have two new additions to the new sis in law Najibah and her baby girl Fatimah. So, we got these photos taken.....notice that we decided to have no more Negaraku shots but just be as candid as can be.....And here are the results........

This is photo choice no and hubby are right at the center, back....Haaaa....Romantic??

Photo choice no and hubby ter"over" sikit


Photo choice no and hubby bersalam-salam.

These photos were snapped from the computer screen using handphones....(of course the photographer wouldn't let us have the soft-copy kan, til after we get one shot framed and paid for). So, after much deliberation by me, sis Akmar and Elynn on which photo we look the prettiest in ...hehehe....(oh yeah.....we are so vain!!)....tak kesah le org lain ternganga ke, terbeliak biji mata ke...asalkan the 3 of us are the 'cun'nest kan?....We chose Photo no 3.......The photo will be ready in a week....can't wait to see it coz the photographer will add in a nice backdrop, do some touch-ups, and get it framed.

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