Helloooooooooo 2012!!!! Yes...this is my first entry on a brand new day in a brand new year. Just felt jumping onto the bandwagon after seeing everyone with blogs penning something to herald the new year. Any new year's resolutions for me? Nope....nada!!! To me, you do not need to wait for the new year to have any resolutions, betul tak? Once you decide to do something good for a change, regardless of what time of the year it is, JUST DO IT! Tak payah nak tunggu the new year baru nak change for the better.
But this new day reminds me of the song 2012 by Jay Sean. It is one of my favourite songs, I can tell ya. Love the melody, so take a listen!
"....The end of the world,like it's 2012?..." No, I do not think that the world is gonna end in 2012. As a Muslim, I believe that the big impending signs of the apocalypse have not fully appeared yet. Yeah..., we still got time, but the time we have should be spent wisely to better oneself for the benefit of others.....ultimately, to get Allah's blessings in life and hereafter. Amin!
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