Hey hey hey.....another happy update from me! Yes.....Alhamdulillah, Sarah aced her PMR!!! 8As!! Congratulations dear gegirl! Mama and Papa are so proud of you.
As always, mamanya was very nervous on the day of the results announcement. We went to Putrajaya first because I had to get my hubby's UPENN scroll and translation endorsed by Wisma Putra (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The results would be out after 10 am, Sarah found out. So, after the endorsement was obtained, we headed to Pappa Rich in Cyberjaya to have our breakfast (again....hehehehe.....had eaten at home before leaving the house but everyone was hungry again as we had little food in our rush to go to Wisma Putra). By then Sarah found out that the results would only be released after 11 in her school....so, we took our own sweet time 'lepaking' in Pappa Rich until almost 11 before we headed to SSP.
When we got there, we saw nervous looking people (girls and parents alike) waiting anxiously in the hall for the announcement to be made. When finally the Principle and Assistant Principle took to the stage, the hall turned absolutely quiet that you could even hear the sound of a pin drop on the floor, I tell ya.
The Assistant Principle, En. Aziz was given the honor (I suppose) to deliver the results.....he announced the overall achievement.....and where SSP stood in the country's/state's/ all SBP ranks. Everyone was jubilant upon hearing that SSP has beaten SAS (their arch enemy!!!) this time around. Then it was time to announce the individual results.....starting from the top class 3P. En. Aziz told all students from 3P to walk up the stage when the names of those who got straight As are called. Well....you could just hear the cries of joy, whoops and hoorays when each name was called out. Apparently ALL 3P girls got 8As. And then, the moment of truth....3U....the second best class....my daughter's class. You could hear my heart beating fast and me and Sarah were squeezing each other's hand so tight, that time!! My mom who followed too was also looking so anxious! Farhan looked like he was hoping Kakak to get all As like he did in his UPSR. But my boy Fahim....hahahahaha.....looked so like "tak tau" what all this was about.
Anyway, luckily En. Aziz, to ease our suspense, began telling us for 3U....ALL STUDENTS GOT 8As.......And my anxiety dissipated in a flash.....I hugged and kissed Sarah many times and saw my mom's tears of joy swelling in her eyes.....Farhan flashed the biggest smile ever and tapped kakak on her back...and Fahim...hehehe...still look 'lost'...."apa mama? apa mama?" And Sarah.....no words can describe how happy she looked!!!! And then En. Aziz started to call out each girl's names.....what a relief!!! Sarah's name begins with an S....and if En. Aziz had not made the announcement that all got 8As....I would have been in a suspense a whole lot longer...nak sampai ke letter S tu.
Look at Sarah (center in grey baju kurung and tudung) and whose names have been called on stage. She looked so happy!
A group photo of those who got 8As (145 out of 166 students). I could not locate Sarah but later she told me that she was at the back...so, since my daughter is "vertically challenged" like me...he he he....tak nampak lah dia in the photo tu. But if you know who Datuk Seri Rizal Merican is....a 'somebody' in UMNO (sorry la, tak tau exactly what portfolio he holds in UMNO....I don't give a s**t about politics, you know..), then he is the only man you see in the photo....FYI, his daughter Aulia is a third former in SSP and she also got 8As!! So, since Dato's Seri ni is a somebody, people from the media came to the school too....TV3 and NST!! And of course they interviewed his daughter and him. I was kinda hoping that they would interview my daughter too (biasalah.....mama yang over....wishing that the daughter would be in the limelight.......hahahaha) and I asked Sarah to hang around close to the media crew but she refused and left with her good friend Rahmah to go to their classroom. She specifically told me "Mama....I am thankful enough for the 8As.....I don't need to announce to the whole country what I got!!" Hmmmmm....1 Sarah, 0 Mama. Hahahahaha.
So...... 2011 has definitely been good to me....both my kids got straight As in their major exams. And I am truly grateful to Allah for that. Just wished that my hubby was there to share the moment with me both times!
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