Saturday, December 31, 2011
A brand new day in a brand new year
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Meatloaf anyone?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sarah and her string of As
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
A proud mama
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
After 21 years
Monday, November 7, 2011
Kambing korban
Saturday, October 29, 2011
What? kursus? again?
This entry is typed real-time as I am travelling by bus from Melaka back to Shah Alam. Feeling sooooo sleepy and tired but could not sleep however hard I tried. I am just too excited to get back home as I have had a mind-cracking workshop session on the review of ISO procedures for the faculty. I spent 3 days and 2 nights there, making Hotel Seri Malaysia, Ayer Keroh, my home away from home these few days. So, tinggallah my children in the guardianship of their atuk and opah. And from the phone conversations I had with Farhan and Fahim, they appeared to be having the time of their lives without mama breathing down on their necks and nagging at them every second. Huh! I am a tiger mom, if you must know!
Anyway, the workshop was very2 tiring. There were 30 procedures to be presented, with emphasis on the changes and additions made to the existing procedures. I was supposed to present 1 procedure, O (01) Promosi Program ,as I am currently the Coordinator of Corporate Communications for the faculty. However, since the Deputy Registrar could not come due to prior commitments, the other team members had to present the relevant procedures under his portfolio…and there were 5 under his belt, mind you. So, in addition to mine, I had to present two more. You know, if I had not gotten my phd, I would have chickened out and bolted straight out the door on the thought of having to speak in public…..I do not have any worries about speaking in front of my students as I know that I have the upper hand on the subject matter but on other matters and in front of work colleagues and my superiors, I would normally feel nervous as I admit that I have terribly low confidence and am afraid of being ridiculed by others. But Alhamdulillah, since getting my phd, I am quite used to speaking in public and especially now that I am in charge of corporate communications, insyaAllah, no more butterflies in the tummy. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask someone to snap a photo of me during my presentation sessions….so, just enjoy these photos snapped in the discussion room , ok!
Hahaha...tengok our Dean, Prof Mala, tersipu-sipu di sebelah, clad in orange shirt and black pants tu. Actually, Dato' happened to have a function at UiTM Alor Gajah on Friday and his entourage stopped by Hotel Seri Malaysia for a quick breakfast first before heading to wherever it was they were supposed to go. And, of course he knew we were having a workshop here (since he had to give his approval for any activities held outside Shah Alam) and so, he paid us a surprise visit....ngeh ngeh ngeh.
This photo was taken last night I think as one of the participants was presenting the review she did on one of the procedures...too small here, can't recall who it was there. The sessions lasted late into the night. For two nights in a row, we left the discussion room at 11.30 pm. And the afternoon sessions were held straight to 6.30 pm. I stayed til 7 in the evening so that I could use the laptop and printer to print out the completed procedures. So, you can imagine how exhausting the workshop was. This morning when I woke up, my shoulder blades and the back of my neck were aching (they still are)…….signs of too much time spent sitting down in front of the laptop lah tu. Will try to go for a massage once I reach Shah Alam.
I roomed up with Dr Hadijah, the Coordinator of Quality, and of course the chairman of the workshop. A very nice lady, she’s two years older than me and she obtained her phd one year earlier than me. So, you can consider that she’s seangkatan as me lah…..the seniors say that we are the barisan pelapis for the faculty as many of them are in their late 40s and early 50s. So, time for retiring is on the horizon! I don’t know, it is scary to think that one day we the ‘young ones’ would one day be relied upon to head the faculty’s managmement…..I seriously think I am not cut out for it, but Dr Hadijah certainly is capable. I was awed by her speeches…her Malay is superb…..she has skills in arranging words that boost our spirit, that lady! And her English is good too….only her Japanese is a bit berhabuk (according to her)….oh yes, she did her degree, masters and phd in Japan. Muka pun dah macam Jepun, you! Kekekekeh.
So, after the closing ceremony and lunch, we waited for the bus to come and take us home……*I am coming home….coming home….tell the world, I am coming home*…cewahhh…..lagu P Diddy feat Skylar Grey, playing in my head….but alas, Kak Nani, one of the admin staff who followed, told us she received a call from the bus driver telling us BAS ROSAK!!!! Huhuhuhuhuhuhu……the bus company (company Rengit) was sending another bus to pick us up….and you know what bus??? BAS SEKOLAH…….hahahaha…..pensyarah2 naik bas sekolah,kelakau je (baru balik dari Melaka, so, cakap pun tukar slang Melaka sat)….dah la tu bila sampai, besau pulak tu…hihihihi! There were just 8 of us (the rest went home on their own, semua hubby datang fetch…huhuhu)……in a huge yellow bus. Nasib baik the bus driver is pleasant (unlike the one who took us to Melaka the other day) and offered to stop at R&R Ayer Keroh for us to shop for some tit bits to bring home.
So, apa lagi……Azlina, pantang dengar the word 'shop'…..borong sakan!!! Look at the things I bought in this photo
kerepek, keropok, biskut kelapa....
and of course, nobody would ever fail to purchase 'belacan' while in Melaka
Hehehe, pompuan!!….I am sure my hubby geleng kepala if he were to see the things I bought ni…but sayang, if you’re reading this, they’re just food….something that will not go to waste.
Hmmm, where am I now, I wonder??……looks like the bus is nearing the Nilai interchange. I am feeling nauseated already, certainly not a good idea to write in a moving bus. I’d better sign off now before I barf!!! Adios!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Convo Fever
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Hip Hip Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyy
I am sooooooooooo happyyyyyyy, I can sing and dance and do whatever I want......
Why???? MY MAID IS HERE!!!!!! Oh yeah.........
Now I can do this

chill after work...


Alhamdulillah, Allah has answered my prayers!!!